The Vineyard at Sovereign Estate
Our Grapes
Sovereign Estate boasts an impressive Estate Vineyard of over 30 picturesque acres on the north shore of Lake Waconia. The vineyard was planted in stages with Marquette being the first in the ground in 2007, followed shortly by LaCrescent and Frontenac Blanc. Ten years after the original vineyard was planted, an additional 20 acres were added to the Estate which include Frontenac, Frontenac Gris and Itasca, as well as more Marquette and LaCrescent.
Our Terrior
Sovereign Estate is located on the north shore of Lake Waconia. The vines are planted on a south-facing slope, which is ideal in the northern hemisphere because it offers maximum exposure to the sun. This leads to a longer growing season, less acidity, and allows incredible expressions of fruit to develop in the grapes.
Additionally, our soils are very rich in nutrients. Rich black dirt covers about 18 inches as the top soil, with clay as the main soil type underneath.
The Lake also has a tremendous impact on our growing season too, protecting against frost in the late spring and early fall. The north end of the Vineyard is elevated approximately 100ft above water level. In the spring, the cold air sinks down into the lake and provides protection for our vines. In the fall, the warm temperature from the water rises into the Vineyard and extends our growing season by an extra 2-3 weeks. Additionally, the north shore of the Lake is subject to higher winds that come across the water. Because of that, our fruit develops thicker skins which have a higher composition of flavor. These elements all come together to allow for the highest quality of wines
Sustainability is one of the most important aspects to the vineyard. It is an easy concept but a challenging task: do more with your hands and less with machines to allow a lower environmental impact.
What does that mean for the vineyard?
Well, it oftentimes translates into more work. Instead of spraying harmful chemicals, we focus more on using our hands to lower the need for them in the first place. We’re implementing a spray program that is more reactive than a typical 7-day schedule. We have introduced sheep to our vineyard; they eat the grass and weeds throughout the vineyards, provide nutrients to the soil, and minimize our need for tractor usage. This all translates into lower compaction of our soil, less fuel use, lower environmental impact and healthier, better tasting grapes!
Wine Not?
Isaac Savaryn found a passion for viticulture quickly after the initial vines were planted at Sovereign in 2007. With inspiration from one of Sovereign Estate's original French wine interns and a little persuasion from his Father, Isaac decided to make a career in viticulture.
The Estate
Sovereign Estate is a family-owned and managed estate vineyard and winery located on the north shore of Lake Waconia. Open year-round for retail wine sales, wine tastings, bistro dining, live music, festivals, and so much more!
Ben Banks has been making wine since 2007 when his family decided to plant the vineyards at Sovereign Estate. In 2012, he became the head winemaker at Sovereign Estate and has produced all of their vintages since then